Tripod s
Tripod ir ļoti populārs līzeklis, kuru izmanto laižoties dažādās šahtās vai bunkuros, būtībā tas ir pārnēsājams enkura punkts, kur var piesiet virves, vai nolaišanas viņču un glābšanas SRL bloku ar glābšanas viņčas funkciju. Šis konkrētais tripod ir 1,15m-2,15m augsts, respektīvi 1,15m saliktā veidā 2,15 uzstādītā veidā.
Size 1,15-2,15m 15kg
Tripod for access in Confined Spaces ® With two mounted pulleys at the head of the Tripod in the prolongation of the main leg for passing the Winch cable. ® Having two auxiliary eye bolts as attachment points. ® Aluminum alloy cast head, legs in aluminium. ® Steel support-shoes provided with rubber sole to increase friction and impart more stability. ® Strength of anchorage point greater than 12 kN ® Every Tripod is provided with inbuilt fixture for attaching our winches FA 60 003 00 (20m) / FA 60 023 00 (30m). ® Maximum load capacity : 500 kg